Comatose Music

MASS INFECTION ‘For I Am Genocide’

Mass Infection prepare to dominate the death metal scene in 2014 with their new and highly anticipated full length album ‘For I Am Genocide’. This is the follow up to their 2009 release ‘The Age of Recreation’. Mass Infection hails from Greece and has crushed skulls with their precision brutality since 2003. They have certainly proven to be a supreme force with their skillful and technical style of catchy death metal. Mass Infection is strongly influenced by bands like Deeds of Flesh, Hate Eternal and Severe Torture… so you can expect a blistering assault of barbaric insanity! Special guest vocals by John McEntee from Incantation! ORDER NOW!

ABORTED FETUS ‘Private Judgment Day’

Russian death metal slam monsters Aborted Fetus team up again with Comatose Music to release their third full length CD! This latest effort titled ‘Private Judgement Day’ picks up right where their previous 2010 release ‘Fatal Dogmatic Damage’ left off. This new release explodes with violent guitar riffs, ruthless drumming, and immensely powerful guttural vocals that will expose you to the ravaged sounds of inhumanity and leave you with the savory after taste of murderous gore. Aborted Fetus is Ural massive brutality! ORDER NOW!